Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Šta je novo u C# programskom jeziku u verziji 7.0

Pre nego što i počnete da čitate ovaj post imajte u vidu da je on do sada jedan od najvećih postova na ovom blogu i da nije dovoljno ga samo jednom pogledati iako objašnjava samo suštinske promene koje nosi C# programerski jezik u verziji 7.0 . Takođe imajte u vidu da sam uložio izuzetno mnogo truda i vremena kako bi vam na najjednostavniji mogući način objasnio šta vas čeka novo u C# 7.0 kodiranju. Ali ove se promene ne mogu savladati odjednom već se sve uči korak po korak. Svaki dan po malo. Ovom prilikom se takođe zahvaljujem svima na porukama, podršci na društvenim mrežama i mom programerskom YouTube kanalu. Trenutno najnovija verzija C# programskog jezika 7.0 sa sobom donosi mnogo promena koje će vam definitivno omogućiti bolje i brže kodiranje. Microsoft Visual Studio2017 sa sobom nosi izuzetno moćne alate sa kojima će vaši programi u C# programskom jeziku i projekti definitivno biti sve više funkcionalni u sve većim i kompleksnijim poslovnim zahtevima.

( Microsoft konferencija, šta je novo u C# 7.0 )

Poznavanje programskog jezika C# u verziji 7.0 definitivno ima svoje prednosti. C# programski jezik i pored toga što se ne kotira visoko na listi programskih jezika; polako ali sigurno preuzima vodstvo na najkomplikovanijim poslovnim rešenjima. C# programski jezik koristi preko 2 miliona programera u celom svetu, sve se više koristi na univerzitetima i definitivno nije mrtav programski jezik. I ja sam čak razmišljao da pređem na PHP programski jezik, ali kad pogledam koliko truda i šta se sve poboljšalo u zadnje vreme u C# programskom jeziku, što bi rekli kod nas koliko je taj jezik uzeo maha; jednostavno ostajem i dalje privržen Microsoft tehnologijama koji mi omogućavaju da programiram na bilo kojoj platformi. Većini početnika se danas može izgubiti u C#  programskom jeziku i umesto da na ovaj programski jezik gledaju kao na najbolji i najlakši programskog jezik, oni kolutaju očima kad vide par linija code-a u programu. To je zbog nestrpljenja i želje da se odmah sve zna. Pogledajte sadržaj na mom blogu i krenite da programirate jedan po jedan program. Ne možete sve odjednom, ni ovaj post a tek blog nije napravljen odjednom. Budite disciplinovani i programirajte svaki dan makar pola sata, ali svaki dan. To je najbolji metod za učenje jer se C#  programski jezik zbog sve većeg progresa i primene u svemu je robustan i lako se zaboravlja kad se ne koristi. Otkucajte code isti kao u mojim primerima, zatim izmislite neki mali svoj vlastiti sličan primer i njega programirajte jer se najbolje pamti kad kodirate nešto iz vaše glave. Pogledajte sada šta je sve novo u C#  programskom jeziku u verziji 7.0.             

Literal digitalni separator i binarni literali

Iako su ove dve male promene na literalima planirane u C#  programskom jeziku u verziji 6.0, one su realizovane tek u C#  programskom jeziku u verziji 7.0. Zbog sve više code-a i kompleksnosti programiranja u velikim projektima stalno se balansira između čitljivosti code-a i optimizacije. Digitalni separator je mala ali značajna promena u kodiranju jer kad u code-u pišete velike brojeve, ti brojevi su slabo čitljivi.

// digit literals in c# 6.0 sometimes looks unreadably

int itemCost = 2000000;
double salesTax = 0.075;

Da bi ste bili sigurni da je navedena cifra 2 miliona i nije 200 hiljada često trebate da prebrojite nule. Zamislite da sad u programu imate mnoštvo ovakvih podataka. Dobro, ja bi u tom slučaju zaključio da je celi program pogrešno programiran, kad imate mnoštvo brojeva dodeljenih promenjivima bolje da ih držite u bazi podataka, nego u code-u. Ali vratimo se nečitljivosti. Tada bi nam to oduzimalo i dosta vremena. Sad zahvaljujući upotrebom digitalnog separatora, čitljivost velikih brojeva je čitljivija i mi možemo na prvi pogled biti sigurni da je navedena cifra 2 miliona.

// in c# 7.0 you can use the digit seperator with numbers

itemCost = 2_000_000;
salesTax = 0.0_75;

Digitalne separatore možete da stavite na bilo kojoj decimali, niste ograničeni. Ali isto tako niste ograničeni na decimalne brojeve. Heksadecimalni brojevi takođe mogu koristiti digitalne separatore.

// in c# 7.0 you can use the digital seperator with hexadecimal numbers

itemCost = 0xF_42_40; // 1 000 000 in hexadecimal

Digitalne separatore možete čak da koristite i za binarne brojeve.  Međutim da bi vam digitalni separator radio sa binarnim brojevima, neophodno je da koristite 0b prefiks.   

// in c# 7.0 you can use bit literals too if you use 0b prefix

itemCost = 0b1111_01_0000_1001_0000_0000; // 4 000 000 in binary numbers

Pogledajte sada code celog programa: 

using System;
using static System.Console;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Literals
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // digit literals in c# 6.0 sometimes looks unreadably

            int itemCost = 2000000;
            double salesTax = 0.075;

            Print(itemCost, salesTax);

            // in c# 7.0 you can use the digit seperator with numbers

            itemCost = 2_000_000;
            salesTax = 0.0_75;

            Print(itemCost, salesTax);

            // in c# 6.0 you can add a hexadecimal value to work like as decimal

            itemCost = 0xF4240; // 1 000 000 in hexadecimal

            Print(itemCost, salesTax);

            // in c# 7.0 you can use the digital seperator with hexadecimal numbers

            itemCost = 0xF_42_40; // 1 000 000 in hexadecimal

            Print(itemCost, salesTax);

            // in c# 7.0 you can use bit literals too if you use 0b prefix

            itemCost = 0b1111_01_0000_1001_0000_0000; // 4 000 000 in binary numbers

            Print(itemCost, salesTax);

            WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Press any kay to continue...");


        static void Print (int item, double tax)
            Write($"Item costs {item} and total sales tax is {item * tax} dollars."
                  + Environment.NewLine + $"So, the finall price is {item + item * tax} dollars.");



Kada pokrenete navedeni program, on će vam prikazati sledeće rezultate:

Item costs 2000000 and total sales tax is 150000 dollars.
So, the finall price is 2150000 dollars.

Item costs 2000000 and total sales tax is 150000 dollars.
So, the finall price is 2150000 dollars.

Item costs 1000000 and total sales tax is 75000 dollars.
So, the finall price is 1075000 dollars.

Item costs 1000000 and total sales tax is 75000 dollars.
So, the finall price is 1075000 dollars.

Item costs 4000000 and total sales tax is 300000 dollars.
So, the finall price is 4300000 dollars.

Press any kay to continue...

Kako to sve izgleda možete pogledati i na video-u:

( What's new in C# 7.0 - #1. Literals )

Lokalne funkcije

Lokalne funkcije su vam funkcije unutar neke metode. U C#  programskom jeziku u verziji 7.0, vi možete da pišete funkciju u metodi. To ima smisla ukoliko će samo metoda koristiti tu funkciju. Zato se zovu lokalne jer su uvek privatne. Ne mogu biti statične, za tako nešto nema ni potrebe, ali se metoda u kojoj se nalazi lokalna funkcija može biti statična. Lokalna funkcija se može pozivati više puta sa bilo kog mesta u metodi.

// local function cannot be static but it can be in a static method

        public static void Print(string fullName)
            if (fullName == String.Empty) return;

            // local function
            void DisplayText()
                string space = ".....";


                foreach (char s in fullName)
                    space += "...";
                    WriteLine(space + " " + fullName);


Kao što vidite lokalna funkcija DisplayText se nalazi u metodi Print i cela svrha metode je da pozove lokalnu funkciju ukoliko string nije prazan. Za ovaku svrhu nije baš najbolje da koristite lokalnu funkciju u svom programu nego sam to uradio radi što jednostavnijeg primera, da bi vam bilo jasno kako se koristi. Pogledajte celi program.

using System;
using static System.Console;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace LocalFunctions
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // local functions are functions inside the exicting method
            // it can call from everywhere inside the method

            Write("What's your first name? ");
            string fName = ReadLine();

            Write("What's your last name? ");
            string lName = ReadLine();

            string fullName = fName + " " + lName;


            WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Press any key to continue...");


        // local function cannot be static but it can be in a static method
        public static void Print(string fullName)
            if (fullName == String.Empty) return;

            // local function
            void DisplayText()
                string space = ".....";


                foreach (char s in fullName)
                    space += "...";
                    WriteLine(space + " " + fullName);


Kada pokrenete navedeni program, on će vam prikazati slične sledeće rezultate u zavisnosti kakvo ste ime uneli kao unos podataka.

What's your first name? Manuel
What's your last name? Radovanovic

........ Manuel Radovanovic
........... Manuel Radovanovic
.............. Manuel Radovanovic
................. Manuel Radovanovic
.................... Manuel Radovanovic
....................... Manuel Radovanovic
.......................... Manuel Radovanovic
............................. Manuel Radovanovic
................................ Manuel Radovanovic
................................... Manuel Radovanovic
...................................... Manuel Radovanovic
......................................... Manuel Radovanovic
............................................ Manuel Radovanovic
............................................... Manuel Radovanovic
.................................................. Manuel Radovanovic
..................................................... Manuel Radovanovic
........................................................ Manuel Radovanovic
........................................................... Manuel Radovanovic

Press any key to continue...

Kako to sve izgleda možete pogledati i na video-u:

( What's new in C# 7.0 - #2. Local Functions )

Expression Bodied članovi

Naslov nije greškom napisan polovično na engleskom jeziku. Jednostavno ne znam kako bi se celi izraz preveo na srpski jezik iako je cela upotreba iste u programiranju prosto jednostavna. Suština je da programerske celine poput metode pišete kraće. Ova mogućnost se pojavljuje još u C# programskom jeziku u 6.0 verziji gde jeste dodata podrška za Expression Bodied članove ali u verziji C# 7.0 programskog jezika, Microsoft je još proširio i dozvolio članovima da se ponašaju kao Expression. Tako Expression Bodied članove možete sad koristiti i u konstruktoru, propertijima i čak u destruktorima. Najbolje da pogledate code i sve će vam biti jasnije, nego da vas zbunjujem engleskim izrazima koje programeri izgovaraju na engleskom jeziku i kad pričaju srpski. Sledeći program sadrži dve klase Book1 i Book2. Klasa Book1 koristi klasične C# 6.0 članove dok klasa Book2 je identična, samo koristi Expression Bodied članove. Sami uočite razliku.

class Book1
        // classic full property
        private string _book;

        public string Book
            get { return _book; }
                // classic condition with throw statment
                if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(
                                   "Value cannot be null!");
                _book = value;


        // classic constructor
        public Book1(string book)
            Book = book;
        // classic destructor
            Debug.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Destructor from Book1 was called.");



Pogledajte sad klasu Book2 i uporedite je sa prethodnom. Uočavate li razliku u kodiranju?

class Book2
        // new C# 7.0 property
        private string _book;

        public string Book
            get => _book;
            set => _book = value ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(
                                              "Value cannot be null!");

        // new C# 7.0 constructor
        public Book2(string book) => Book = book;

        // new c# 7.0 destructor
        ~Book2() => Debug.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine +
                                    "Destructor from Book2 was called.");


Ista stvar ali napisana kraće zahvaljujući Expression Bodied članovima. Pogledajte code celog programa kako izgleda.

using System;
using static System.Console;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace ExpressionBodiedMembers
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Book1 book1 = new Book1("C# 6 and .Net Core 1.0");
            Book2 book2 = new Book2("C# 7 and .Net Core CookBook");

            WriteLine("Uses Book1 class with the classic full property, " +
                      "constructor and destructor");
            WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + book1.Book + Environment.NewLine);

            WriteLine("Uses Book2 class with new C# 7 full property,"
                      + "constructor and destructor");
            WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + book2.Book + Environment.NewLine);

            WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Press any key to continue...");


    class Book1
        // classic full property
        private string _book;

        public string Book
            get { return _book; }
                // classic condition with throw statment
                if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(
                                   "Value cannot be null!");
                _book = value;


        // classic constructor
        public Book1(string book)
            Book = book;
        // classic destructor
            Debug.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Destructor from Book1 was called.");



    class Book2
        // new C# 7.0 property
        private string _book;

        public string Book
            get => _book;
            set => _book = value ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(
                                              "Value cannot be null!");

        // new C# 7.0 constructor
        public Book2(string book) => Book = book;

        // new c# 7.0 destructor
        ~Book2() => Debug.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine +
                                    "Destructor from Book2 was called.");


Kada pokrenete navedeni program, on će vam prikazati sledeće rezultate. Obe klase će odraditi isti posao.

Uses Book1 class with the classic full property, constructor and destructor

C# 6 and .Net Core 1.0

Uses Book2 class with new C# 7 full property,constructor and destructor

C# 7 and .Net Core CookBook

Press any key to continue...

Kako to sve izgleda možete pogledati i na video-u:

What's new in C# 7.0 - #3. Expression Bodied Members )

Throw Exception  

C# programskom jeziku u verziji 6.0, Throw Exception je samo iskaz i kao takav je bio ograničen da se ne može koristiti na određenim mestima. Zahvaljujući Expressions Bodied članovima sada se Throw Exception koristi kao da je Expression. Npr. u funkciji:

public static int CheckLength(string word) => word.Length > 0 ?
                          word.Length : throw new Exception(
                          "Throwing inside conditional operator expressions: "
                           + Environment.NewLine + "Word cannot be empty!");

Ili u konstruktoru:

public Student (string firstName) => firstName = FirstName ?? throw new Exception (
                        "Throwing inside expression bodied constructor:" +
                         Environment.NewLine + "First name cannot be empty!");

Ili direktno u Try Catch strukturi:

   string NotAllowed = word ?? throw new Exception("Throwing inside null-coalescing                operator expressions:" + Environment.NewLine + "Word cannot be null!");

catch (Exception ex)


Pogledajte kako izgleda celi program:

using System;
using static System.Console;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ThrowExpressions
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // in c# 6.0 throwing exceptions had certain limitations where they could be used
            // because throw was a statment. in c# 7.0 thanks to expression-bodied members,
            // throw is an expressions

            string word = null;

            // null-coalescing

                string NotAllowed = word ?? throw new Exception("Throwing inside null-coalescing operator expressions:" +
                                                                 Environment.NewLine + "Word cannot be null!");
            catch (Exception ex)



            // conditional operator

                word = String.Empty;
            catch (Exception ex)




            // constructor

                Student student = new Student(String.Empty);
            catch (Exception ex)


            WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Press any key to continue...");


        public static int CheckLength(string word) => word.Length > 0 ?
                          word.Length : throw new Exception(
                          "Throwing inside conditional operator expressions: "
                           + Environment.NewLine + "Word cannot be empty!");


    class Student
        public string FirstName { get; set; }

        public Student (string firstName) => firstName = FirstName ?? throw new Exception (
                        "Throwing inside expression bodied constructor:" +
                         Environment.NewLine + "First name cannot be empty!");


Kada pokrenete navedeni program, on će vam prikazati sledeće rezultate:

Throwing inside null-coalescing operator expressions:
Word cannot be null!

Throwing inside conditional operator expressions:
Word cannot be empty!

Throwing inside expression bodied constructor:
First name cannot be empty!

Press any key to continue...

Kako to sve izgleda možete pogledati i na video-u:

( What's new in C# 7.0 - #4. Throwing Exceptions in Expressions ) 

Out promenjive

C# programskom jeziku u ranijim verzijama vi ste pre upotrebe out promenjive prvo morali da deklarišete promenjivu iznad out iskaza. U C# programskom jeziku u verziji 7.0 vi možete da deklarišete istu promenjivu od tačke gde out iskaz počinje. Možete pomisliti da to nije neka značajna promena ali recimo smanjuje vaš program za jednu liniju koda. Takođe sa out iskazom sada može koristiti i tip podataka var. Pogledajte celi mali program koji ilustruje upotrebu out promenjive.

using System;
using static System.Console;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace OutVariables
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // in C# 6.0 you have to first declare a variable to use an out parameter
            int number1;
            Write("Enter a number between 1 and 10 : ");
            bool n1 = int.TryParse(ReadLine(), out number1);

            WriteLine($"You entered number {number1}." + Environment.NewLine);

            // in C# 7.0 you can declare the out variable at the point where it is passed as an out parameter
            Write("Enter a number between 10 and 100 : ");
            bool n2 = int.TryParse(ReadLine(), out int number2);

            WriteLine($"You entered number {number2}." + Environment.NewLine);

            // in c# 7.0 you can declare the out variable with var keyword
            Write("Enter a number between 100 and 1000 : ");
            bool n3 = int.TryParse(ReadLine(), out var number3);

            WriteLine($"You entered number {number3}." + Environment.NewLine);

            WriteLine($"Sum of your numbers are {number1} + {number2} + {number3} " +
                      $"= {number1 + number2 + number3}");

            WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Press any key to continue...");


Kada pokrenete navedeni program, on će vam prikazati slične sledeće rezultate u zavisnosti koje brojeve ste uneli kao unos u out promenjive.

Enter a number between 1 and 10 : 8
You entered number 8.

Enter a number between 10 and 100 : 88
You entered number 88.

Enter a number between 100 and 1000 : 888
You entered number 888.

Sum of your numbers are 8 + 88 + 888 = 984

Press any key to continue...

Kako to sve izgleda možete pogledati i na video-u:

( What's new in C# 7.0 - #5. Out Variables )

Reference kroz Return i lokalne promenjive

U ranijim verzijama C# programskog jezika referenciranje i upotreba Ref nije ništa novo. Ali sad od C# verzije 7.0 programskog jezika vi možete vraćati referentne objekte kroz Return i smeštati ih u lokalne promenjive. Moja pretpostavka zašto je Microsoft ovaj put dao važnost referentnim tipovima podataka leži u činjenici da postoje iskusni C++ programeri koji još uvek nisu prešli na C# upravo zbog referenci i pokazivača. Kako god da vi kodirate neki projekat, na kraju on prolazi kroz optimizaciju. Zato upotreba referentnih tipova je poželjnija posebno ako programirate igrice. Obratite pažnju na funkcije koje koriste referentne tipove podataka i kako se one sada referenciraju.

using System;
using static System.Console;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace References
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // copy value types
            int a = 18;
            int b = a;

            WriteLine("C# 6.0 - Copy value types");
            WriteLine($"    a = {a}" + Environment.NewLine +
                      $"    b = a // {b}" + Environment.NewLine);

            a = 48;

            WriteLine("Value types will not change value b when change a : ");
            WriteLine($"    a = 48 ... a = {a} and b = {b}" + Environment.NewLine);

            // ref value types
            ref int c = ref a;

            WriteLine("C# 7.0 - Copy ref types");
            WriteLine($"    a = {a}" + Environment.NewLine +
                      $"    c = a // {c}" + Environment.NewLine);

            WriteLine("Value types will change value c when change a : ");
            a = 72;
            WriteLine($"    a = 72 ... a = {a} and c = {c}" + Environment.NewLine);

            // reference return

            int d = 99;

            WriteLine("C# 7.0 - Reference return ");
            WriteLine($"    a = {a} and d = {d} and the bigger number is " +
                      $"{Max(ref a, ref d)}");
            d = 20;

            WriteLine($"    After change d = 20 you will got this... the bigger number is " +
                      $"{Max(ref a, ref d)}");


            // array reference

            int[] someArray = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

            WriteLine("C# 7.0 - You can use reference type for change array elements.");
            Write("    Read array: ");
            Write(Environment.NewLine + "    Change last element: ");

            // change last element with reference type

            ref int e = ref ChangeLastElement(someArray);
            e = 100;

            WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Press any key to continue...");


        static public ref int Max(ref int first, ref int second)
            if (first > second) return ref first;
            return ref second;


        static void ReadArray(Array array)
            foreach (int item in array)
                Write(item + ", ");


        static public ref int ChangeLastElement(int[]array)
            return ref array[array.Length - 1];



Kada pokrenete navedeni program, on će vam prikazati sledeće rezultate:

C# 6.0 - Copy value types
    a = 18
    b = a // 18

Value types will not change value b when change a :
    a = 48 ... a = 48 and b = 18

C# 7.0 - Copy ref types
    a = 48
    c = a // 48

Value types will change value c when change a :
    a = 72 ... a = 72 and c = 72

C# 7.0 - Reference return
    a = 72 and d = 99 and the bigger number is 99
    After change d = 20 you will got this... the bigger number is 72

C# 7.0 - You can use reference type for change array elements.
    Read array: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
    Change last element: 1, 2, 3, 4, 100,

Press any key to continue...  

Kako to sve izgleda možete pogledati i na video-u:

( What's new in C# 7.0 - #6. Referencing Variables, Return and Arrays )

Pattern Matching

C#  programskom jeziku u verziji 7.0; Pattern Matching je novitet koji vam služi da lakše upoređujete i testirate tipove podataka. To je apsolutno novi koncept Patterns – obrazca koji proverava tipove podataka da li imaju specifičan tip podataka. Pogledajte ovaj code programa, ali posebno obratite pažnju na code koji u statičnoj metodi Print proverava da li tip podataka pripada Student klasi ili Professor. Na koji način on to radi?

using System;
using static System.Console;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace PatternMatching
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // new structure Pattern Matching in C# 7.0 test values in different ways

            Professor professor = new Professor("Sophia", "Anderson", "English",
                                                new DateTime(1990, 10, 5), "Solt Lake City", "Utah");

            Student student = new Student("Manuel", "Radovanovic", "English",
                                           new DateTime(1975, 10, 5), "Belgrade", "Serbia");

            WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Press any key to continue...");

        static void Print(object person)
            // pattern matching structure for a student
            if (person is Student student)
                WriteLine($"Subject: {student.Subject}");
                WriteLine($"Student: {student.FullName}");
                WriteLine($"Age: {Ages(student.Birthday)}");
                WriteLine($"City: {student.City}");
                WriteLine($"State: {student.State}");
                WriteLine(new String('-', 20) + Environment.NewLine);


            // pattern matching structure for professor
            if (person is Professor professor)
                WriteLine($"Subject: {professor.Subject}");
                WriteLine($"Professor: {professor.FullName}");
                WriteLine($"Age: {Ages(professor.Birthday)}");
                WriteLine($"City: {professor.City}");
                WriteLine($"State: {professor.State}");
                WriteLine(new String('-', 20) + Environment.NewLine);       

            // local function
            string Ages(DateTime date)
                date = DateTime.Today.AddYears(-date.Year);
                return date.Year.ToString();


    class Person
        public string FirstName { get; set; }
        public string LastName { get; set; }
        public string FullName { get; set; }
        public DateTime Birthday { get; set; }
        public string City { get; set; }
        public string State { get; set; }


    class Student : Person
        public string Subject { get; set; }

        public Student(string firstName, string lastName, string subject,
                       DateTime birthDate, string city, string state)
            FirstName = firstName;
            LastName = lastName;
            FullName = firstName + " " + lastName;
            Subject = subject;
            Birthday = birthDate;
            City = city;
            State = state;



    class Professor : Person
        public string Subject { get; set; }

        public Professor(string firstName, string lastName, string subject,
                         DateTime birthDate, string city, string state)
            FirstName = firstName;
            LastName = lastName;
            FullName = firstName + " " + lastName;
            Subject = subject;
            Birthday = birthDate;
            City = city;
            State = state;


Kada pokrenete navedeni program, on će vam prikazati sledeće rezultate:

Subject: English
Professor: Sophia Anderson
Age: 27
City: Solt Lake City
State: Utah

Subject: English
Student: Manuel Radovanovic
Age: 42
City: Belgrade
State: Serbia

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Kako to sve izgleda možete pogledati i na video-u:

 ( What's new in C# 7.0 - #7 Pattern Matching )

Pattern Matching – Switch Case struktura

Iako bi promene na Switch Case strukturi mogao pripojiti Pattern Matching novitetu, smatram da je Switch Case struktura kroz Pattern Matching jedna od najbitnijih promena u C# programskom jeziku u verziji 7.0 jer će te je u budućim projektima itekako koristiti. Samo iz tog razloga pogledajte poseban Pattern Matching program samo za strukturu Switch Case koja sad može evulirati. Takođe možete u Case klazuli dodavati nove uslove. Obratite pažnju na Switch Case strukturu.

using System;
using static System.Console;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace SwitchCaseStatment
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            object parent = "Emily Tatman";
            object guest = null;

            object student1 = new Student("Ethan", "Hamblent", 20);
            object student2 = new Student("Anna", "Craston", 16);

            object professor = new Professor("Kevin", "Lee", 45);
            object principal = new Principal("Lauren", "Austin", 55);


            WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Press any key to continue...");

            // local function
            void Visitor(object person)
                // switch case statment with new C# 7.0 pattern maching structure
                switch (person)
                    case string str:
                        WriteLine($"Object which is string: {parent}");

                    case Student stu when stu.FirstName is "Anna":
                        WriteLine($"Student which first name is Anna: {stu.FullName}");

                    case Student stu when stu.Age > 16:
                        WriteLine($"Student which has more ages than 15: {stu.FullName} {stu.Age} yeras.");

                    case Professor prof:
                        WriteLine($"Professor: {prof.FullName}");

                    case Principal prin:
                        WriteLine($"Principal: {prin.FullName}");

                        WriteLine("Guest: No guests, the object is null.");


    class Person
        public string FirstName { get; set; }
        public string LastName { get; set; }
        public byte Age { get; set; }


    class Student : Person
        public string FullName { get; set; }

        public Student (string firstName, string lastName, byte age)
            FirstName = firstName;
            LastName = lastName;
            FullName = FirstName + " " + LastName;
            Age = age;


    class Professor : Person
        public string FullName { get; set; }

        public Professor(string firstName, string lastName, byte age)
            FirstName = firstName;
            LastName = lastName;
            FullName = FirstName + " " + LastName;
            Age = age;



    class Principal : Person
        public string FullName { get; set; }

        public Principal (string firstName, string lastName, byte age)
            FirstName = firstName;
            LastName = lastName;
            FullName = FirstName + " " + LastName;
            Age = age;


Kada pokrenete navedeni program, on će vam prikazati sledeće rezultate:

Object which is string: Emily Tatman
Guest: No guests, the object is null.
Student which has more ages than 15: Ethan Hamblent 20 yeras.
Student which first name is Anna: Anna Craston
Professor: Kevin Lee
Principal: Lauren Austin

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Kako to sve izgleda možete pogledati i na video-u:

( What's new in C# 7.0 - #8. Pattern Matching - Switch Case Statement ) 


Tuple … ili što bi se čitalo kao tjupl na srpskom jeziku je nova struktura u C# programskom jeziku u verziji 7.0. Većina programera je smatra najbitnijim novitetom. To je sasvim nova struktura zasnovana na više delova dok predstavlja celinu. Međutim da bi ste koristili Tuples strukture morate uvesti ovu mogućnost u vaš projekat preko NutGet Package for solution. Kako se to radi, najbolje pogledajte u video-u. Ali pre toga obratite pažnju na code celog programa kako bi vam bilo jasnije kako se koriste Tuples.

using System;
using static System.Console;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Tuples
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

            // You can write value types like as this
            ValueTuple<string, string, string> Languages = ("English", "German", "Spanish" );

            // You can write value types shorter
            (string, string, int) Student = ("Manuel", "Radovanovic", 2017);
            WriteLine($"Student, {Student.Item3} generation - {Student.Item1} {Student.Item2}");

            // You can name elements in tuple declaration
            (string firstName, string lastName, int generation) = ("Eileen", "Collins", 2017);
            WriteLine($"Student, {generation} generation - {firstName} {lastName}" + Environment.NewLine);

            WriteLine($"{ Student.Item1} learns {Languages.Item1}, {Languages.Item2} and {Languages.Item3} languages.");

            // Let's change values
            Languages = ("Bosnian", "Croatian", "Serbian");
            WriteLine($"{firstName} learns {Languages.Item1}, {Languages.Item2} and {Languages.Item3} languages.");

            // Deconstruction of Non-Tuple Types
            var place = new Cities { City = "Salt Lake City", State = "Utah" };

            var (pc, ps) = place;

            WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + $"Conference in {pc}, {ps}.");

            WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Press any key to continue...");


    class Cities
        public string City { get; set; }
        public string State { get; set; }

        public void Deconstruct(out string city, out string state)
            city = City;
            state = State;


Kada pokrenete navedeni program, on će vam prikazati sledeće rezultate:

Student, 2017 generation - Manuel Radovanovic
Student, 2017 generation - Eileen Collins

Manuel learns English, German and Spanish languages.
Eileen learns Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian languages.

Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Press any key to continue...

Kako to sve izgleda možete pogledati i na video-u:

( What's new in C# 7.0 - #9. Tuples )

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