Thursday, May 02, 2024

Learn JavaScript like an expert, How to use variables, data types and constants effectively?

Variables are fundamental elements in every programming language that allow storage and manipulation of data. They represent memory locations used to store various types of information, including numbers, text, logical values, objects, and more. In JavaScript, variables enable programmers to store data in computer memory and manipulate it based on program requirements. For example, variables are used in programs to:

  • Store user data
  • Perform mathematical operations
  • Manage user interface elements

When learning any programming language, understanding the importance of variables is crucial. Imagine variables as memory boxes. Each box can hold different types of data, and you cannot put letters into a box meant for numbers. In JavaScript, the type of memory box, variable; you use depends on the value assigned to it. Here’s an example:

let myVariable = 10;

In this case, the variable myVariable is assigned the value 10, and the JavaScript interpreter treats it as a number. Note that variable names can be any combination of letters, numbers, and underscores. It’s a good practice to start variable names with a lowercase letter, CamelCase notation and avoid using special symbols or keywords. Descriptive variable names help make your code more readable and maintainable. Remember not to name variables with single letters like a, b, or c. Instead, develop a habit of choosing meaningful names that convey the purpose of the variable. This practice benefits both you and anyone who reviews your code.

A programmer learns and codes in the JavaScript programming language

A programmer learns and codes in the JavaScript programming language

The JavaScript programming language is case-sensitive, which means it distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase letters. This means that myVariable and myvariable are two different variables. Data types in JavaScript are not strictly typed like, for example, in the C# programming language. JavaScript uses dynamic typing, which means you do not declare a variable as you would in C#, and the data type is determined during program execution, not at the declaration of the variable. Dynamic typing allows for flexibility and faster development but can lead to errors if the programmer is not careful with the variable types in their code.

Precisely because JavaScript is not a strictly typed language, it is not the best choice for most financial and other calculations. That’s why TypeScript was created, which uses static typing. However, this does not mean you should immediately switch to TypeScript. JavaScript has a lot to teach and offer you. Unlike other programming languages, JavaScript has far fewer variable types. And unlike, for example, the PHP programming language, which has different data types like undefined and symbol, JavaScript uses the number type for all kinds of numbers, including hexadecimal ones.

Data Types in the JavaScript Programming Language

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

From Beginner to Pro, First Steps to Professional JavaScript Coding

Before you even think about learning the JavaScript programming language, it is essential that you are familiar with HTML5 and CSS3, or at least read and study the posts on this blog related to the mentioned topic; see here or check in the navigation toolbar Content. JavaScript is the most popular programming language that turns web pages into client-side web applications. It is usually at the top of all the top lists of programming languages due to its ease of learning and use, and I would add that JavaScript developers are exceptionally well-paid compared to other programmers. The first thing you need to know about the JavaScript programming language is that it has nothing to do with the Java programming language and its syntax is based on C syntax.

It is interpreted, which means it is not compiled like the C# programming language. It supports variables for storing information, operators for performing operations and comparisons, functions that can be called multiple times, conditional expressions, programming loops, and the ability to create objects with properties, methods, and events. We say that JavaScript is an event-driven execution model. Otherwise, JavaScript is used in combination with DOM – Document Object Model and BOM – Browser Object Model to make the web page look dynamic.

The girl codes in JavaScript, the most popular programming language

The girl codes in JavaScript, the most popular programming language

There are colleagues who do not take this programming language seriously because it is often learned as part of another programming language, for example, it is assumed that a C# programmer knows the JavaScript programming language, as well as the jQuery library and AJAX. But also, in foreign companies, there are positions where programmers deal exclusively with the JavaScript programming language professionally, without knowing other programming languages. In any case, our advice to you is to take the JavaScript programming language seriously and to master it well because it is extremely present in almost every internet project and in the job market. It will also make your websites much better.

But for now, let’s go back a bit to see how JavaScript was created. First, a programmer named Brendan Eich from Netscape developed LiveScript in 1995. Then, with the appearance of Microsoft Internet Explorer version 3.0 in 1996, support was included in this browser for Jscript, which was the basis of JavaScript. Although Jscript was similar to JavaScript, their application was totally different. Just a year later, ECMA-European Computer Manufacturers Association built the first language specification ECMAScript, better known as ECMA-262 or what we call JavaScript today, which then became the standard primarily for Microsoft browsers, and then others.

But the problem arose because each browser applied this standard in its own way, making it incompatible. There are many newer editions of ECMA-262, but still, as a programmer, you must take into account the differences between ECMA-262 and other JavaScript implementations. Of course, this should not scare you or compromise your JavaScript code, but it is necessary to test it on browsers from different manufacturers. Today, the JavaScript standard is closely linked to the DOM – Document Object Model standard regulated by the W3C – World Wide Web Consortium, and with their participation, life has been made easier for developers.

The benefits of JavaScript: How this language is changing the web

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Elementary OS, Combination of Aesthetics and Functionality, Elegance and Simplicity in One

In the vast landscape of Linux distributions, elementary OS stands out as a polished and visually appealing option. Whether you’re a seasoned Linux user or a newcomer exploring open-source alternatives, elementary OS offers an experience that bridges the gap between aesthetics and functionality. elementary OS traces its roots back to Ubuntu, one of the most popular Linux distributions. However, it diverges from Ubuntu’s standard desktop environment to create something distinct. The project is driven by a small team of developers who prioritize thoughtful design, ethical choices, and user-centric experiences.

At first glance, elementary OS captivates with its clean lines, subtle animations, and attention to detail. The desktop environment, known as Pantheon, exudes elegance. Pantheon is the heart of elementary OS. It draws inspiration from macOS, emphasizing simplicity and clarity. The desktop features a dock, a top bar, a desktop menu, and a system tray. These elements seamlessly blend together, creating a cohesive and intuitive interface. Pantheon’s window management is smooth and efficient.

Users can easily switch between workspaces, maximize or minimize windows, and snap them to the edges of the screen. The result? A clutter-free workspace that encourages productivity. elementary OS ships with its own set of icons and themes, ensuring a consistent look across applications. The icons are minimalistic yet expressive, and the themes maintain a harmonious balance of light and dark elements. Instead of overwhelming users with a plethora of software choices, elementary OS provides a curated AppCenter. It’s akin to an app store, where you can discover and install applications with confidence.

An artist uses elementary OS on the Laptop

An artist uses elementary OS on the Laptop

Each app undergoes scrutiny to ensure quality and compatibility. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned Linux enthusiast, elementary OS welcomes you. The design philosophy revolves around conciseness, accessible configuration, and minimal documentation. You won’t need to spend hours tweaking settings; everything just works. The Switchboard control center allows users to configure system settings without diving into complex menus. From display settings to keyboard shortcuts, it’s all neatly organized.

elementary OS takes ethics seriously. It encourages users to support the project by paying what they can. While the OS is free to download, users are encouraged to contribute financially to sustain development. This model ensures that everyone can access the system while fostering a sense of responsibility within the community. With the release of elementary OS 7.1 Horus, the developers-maintained continuity.

If you loved the previous version, you’ll appreciate the familiar interface. For newcomers, it’s an opportunity to explore a Linux distribution that combines aesthetics, functionality, and ethical principles. elementary OS is more than just a Linux distribution; it’s a testament to thoughtful design and user-centric development. Whether you’re an artist seeking inspiration or a pragmatic user looking for a reliable system, elementary OS invites you to experience the best of both worlds. 

Installing Elementary OS: Quick and Easy

Monday, April 22, 2024

Up Your Coding Game, VI Guide - Hacker 's Text Editor

We live in a time when time is the most precious resource, when everyone is in a hurry somewhere, when even developers look for shortcuts, when even some Linux users avoid using the Terminal emulator, except when they have to; surrendering to a more modern and attractive desktop graphical environment. And then we wonder why younger generations are not interested in some outdated text editor that is used directly in the Terminal emulator, where you even have to learn convoluted commands to type the most trivial text. After all, why not use the nano text editor, or even better, some modern graphical one if we really must?

Who has the time today to learn and practice using the most trivial text editor? The first reason is, believe it or not, so that you wouldn’t be a ‘Goddamn crybaby’ in the world of Linux users. Not to mention hackers, for them, it is unacceptable! Knowing how to use the VI text editor is a real art, and that is not the only reason why it is favored among the greatest hackers in the world, but because it is primarily a tradition, because it is encountered even in the oldest Unix variants, it is simply available. It is also useful because the POSIX - a standard for program compatibility on Unix systems requires that VI be present, despite the fact that its use requires learning and experience.

Otherwise, VI can save you when you find yourself in a situation where you are working on systems that do not have graphical environments, such as some remote servers or local systems. It can also be used as an IDE – integrated development environment for programmers. In today’s Linux distributions, VI is increasingly rarely installed in the basic package, but it can always be downloaded and installed from its official web page. See here. For example, the Kali Linux distribution Linux-ax has VI installed as VIM, an enhanced derivative of the original VI text editor, but not gVim, a text editor that has all the functionalities of the VIM text editor with its own graphical environment.

VI, Vim - Hacker's Text Editor

VI, Vim - Hacker's Text Editor

VIM can also be installed on all other platforms. On the Windows operating system, it can run in a graphical Windows window or be used in the Command Prompt. The first version of the VI program was written by Bill Joy in 1976 while he was a student at the University of California, Berkeley. VI is an abbreviation derived from the word ‘visual’ because the program was supposed to enable text modification on a video terminal using a movable cursor. However, its significant improvement was created by Bram Moolenaar.

Considering that you cannot just start the VI text editor and immediately type text as you want, because you must constantly switch between different modes of operation and use certain commands with text work; compared to other simpler text editors, you need more habit than less training to use it with ease. VI was created to be light and fast, designed for quick typing because you do not have to lift your hands from the keyboard while working with it.

Currently, as we write this text; most Linux distributions instead of VI mostly use the VIM derivative, its enhanced modern version 9.1.16 runs on both VI and VIM commands in the Terminal emulator. Unlike the VI text editor, its derivative VIM is free and open-source software, which is also issued under a license that contains some clauses that encourage users who enjoy the software to consider donating to children in Uganda. The license is compatible with the GNU General Public License through a special clause that allows the distribution of modified copies under GNU GPL version 2 or any later version.

VIM for Beginners: How to Get Started and What Commands You Need to Know

Learn Basic Linux Commands, Your First Steps in Terminal

Let’s assume you’re a Windows user who has decided to get acquainted with the Linux operating system, constantly hearing about Linux distributions while never having used them yourself. You’re tired of not knowing, wanting to learn new things and progress regardless of your age or the job you’re in. You have an older computer where you could install the Linux operating system, or you have a fast and powerful computer with plenty of hard disk space to install a virtual machine and one of the Linux distributions on it.

The first step is to do some research, question yourself about what kind of Linux distribution you would like to use. There are many Linux distributions for different purposes, some may be more appealing to you while others are not, tastes differ; maybe you would want to limit yourself to your own criteria or simply see what’s on offer and what other Linux users are using. Therefore, before you make your decision, we recommend that you look at the list of the Top 50 Linux distributions; take a look here; before you make a decision.

And then, once you’ve made the right decision, read some text about your distribution or watched a video on the YouTube channel on how to install it, and if you’ve gathered enough courage and installed the Linux distribution you like and have chosen yourself, then you’re ready to sail into the world of Linux and become one of the significant users of the Linux operating system and its huge community on the Internet. We won’t hold it against you as a beginner if someone else helped you install your Linux distribution or if you simply got it pre-installed with your new laptop.

Linux Terminal Commands

Linux Terminal Commands

When you start your already installed Linux distribution and enter the correct password, the graphical desktop of your Linux distribution will appear. Of course, this is provided that you are not using a Linux distribution that does not use any graphical environment. Such a Linux distribution is definitely not for beginners. But since you probably have one of the most common graphical environments like Xfce, KDE, GNOME, and others, customized with themes, colors, and the appearance of your Linux distribution, it is obvious that after starting and logging into your Linux distribution, you will see the desktop of your Linux distribution. Take a good look at the desktop of your Linux distribution and look for a button on the navigation menu, which has an icon with a black window drawn on it, similar to the Command Prompt in the Windows operating system.

This button is usually visible on the navigation bar because it is frequently used. If this is not the case with your Linux distribution, look for Terminal or Console in the menu or search bar. Then start the mentioned application and expand its window so that you can comfortably type Linux Terminal commands. This application is generally called Terminal although a terminal itself is a smaller computer, i.e., an embedded system. A terminal emulator is software that runs on general-purpose machines that implements the behavior of a real terminal. You won’t be wrong if you call the Terminal emulator Terminal, because most Linux users have such a habit and because it is a shorthand that covers all types of Terminal emulators.

The most commonly used Terminal emulator in more popular Linux distributions is Bash Shell, but you also have Zsh, Ksh, Fish, etc. Zsh, for example, offers numerous advantages and improvements over Bash Shell, due to better autocompletion, support for multilingual characters, more advanced configurations and personalizations, integration with plugins, and more options for managing command history. In recent years, it has been increasingly used although Bash Shell is spread across many more Linux distributions.

From Windows Explorer to Terminal: Navigating Linux Like a Pro

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Kali Linux Decrypted, A Beginner's Journey into Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking

Kali Linux is not Ubuntu, nor is it a Linux distribution for developers, designers, or animators; it is said to be not for beginners, but one has to start somewhere. Kali Linux is a Linux distribution that is specially designed for network security testing, penetration testing, and digital forensics. Unlike standard operating systems, Kali Linux is equipped with a suite of tools and resources that are essential for investigating and analyzing the security of computer systems. For beginners in the world of cybersecurity, Kali Linux represents an ideal tool for entering this exciting field. With its simple interface and rich set of tools, even complete beginners can start their journey in understanding the basics of cybersecurity.

Its slogan goes "The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear". One of the key features of Kali Linux is its ability to simulate hacker attacks on network systems, allowing users to test and identify weaknesses in their own infrastructure. Through the process of penetration testing, users can gain a deeper understanding of the vulnerabilities of their systems and take steps to strengthen and protect them from real hacker attacks. However, it is important to emphasize that ethical hacking is an essential part of using Kali Linux. Instead of being used for illegal or malicious purposes, Kali Linux is used for education, testing, and improving the security of computer systems. Ethical hackers, also known as White Hats, use Linux distributions like Kali Linux to identify weaknesses in systems and help organizations fix them before they are exploited by real attackers.

Kali Linux is a tool that can change the way you view computer security. Through its use, you can learn how to protect your systems from attacks, develop skills that are in demand in the cybersecurity industry, and contribute to the global effort to preserve digital security. Therefore, embarking on a beginner’s journey into the world of cybersecurity and ethical hacking with Kali Linux is not just a 
step towards learning new skills, it is also a step towards understanding the power and responsibility that come with knowledge of computer security. Are you ready to start your risky journey?

A girl uses Kali Linux

A girl uses Kali Linux 

We say risky because times are changing. Younger users often use Kali Linux for various reasons, even if they may not be involved in hacking in the traditional sense. One of the reasons is curiosity and the desire to explore the possibilities of this toolkit. Kali Linux users often like to explore new technologies and experiment with different software tools, while Kali Linux provides a fascinating world for exploration. The exceptional popularity of the Kali Linux distribution is undoubtedly also due to the famous American series Mr. Robot. Through the story of Elliout Alderson and his activities in the world of hacking, Mr. Robot emphasized the use of tools like Kali Linux in the world of cybersecurity.

The series often showed Elliot using various software tools, including Kali Linux, to carry out his hacking actions. Many were inspired by the character of Elliot and his abilities, so they began to explore and use tools like Kali Linux in their research and projects, and many still do so today. What you need to know in today’s times, the Kali Linux distribution gives you power in the world of local networks and the Internet; but it also requires responsibility from you. The greater your power, the greater your responsibility towards the individual, society, the community, and the whole world. Therefore, limit your education to using only your own devices, systems, networks so that you do not violate any laws and end up in prison.

Do not play with illegal activities! Today, there are institutions and specializations where you can be trained as an ethical hacker. There are companies that are ready to employ you and pay you more than any programmer. However, this is not achieved with a bad reputation. Learn everything you can, learn to have knowledge, preserve your own dignity, and be careful with whom you associate and what you do. I will reveal a big secret to you. For some institutions, you are never invisible on the Internet, no matter what you use!

Step-by-Step Guide to Installing Kali Linux

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Ubuntu, the best Linux distribution, why does it stand out from the rest?

Definitely, you won’t go wrong if we tell you that Ubuntu is the best choice for a Linux distribution, especially if you’re a beginner in the Linux world, a programmer, or simply intend to install a variety of software and database systems and have them all work seamlessly. Despite the fact that distributions like Arch Linux follow the philosophy of KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid – emphasizing simplicity – and may be more aligned with personal preferences, they require a deeper understanding of Linux and are better suited for experienced users. On the other hand, Ubuntu holds a special place in the world of operating systems due to its exceptional combination of reliability, user-friendliness, a rich Ubuntu Linux community, and a wide range of features it offers to users.

For instance, if you get employed by a company that uses a Linux operating system, there’s a high probability that you’ll be working with Ubuntu. The name Ubuntu, which translates to “Humanity towards others,” originates from South Africa. Although the creator and developer of the Ubuntu operating system, Canonical Ltd., is based in London, UK, with over 500 employees, Ubuntu consistently ranks at the top of many distribution lists and is even considered one of the best operating systems worldwide. Since its initial release on October 20, 2004, Ubuntu has become synonymous with stability, security, and innovation in the world of free software.

However, like many other distributions, Ubuntu has occasionally faced issues such as freezing during updates or power outages, requiring reinstallation and potentially resulting in data loss. From our personal experience in recent years, we don’t recall any major complications with Ubuntu that it didn’t resolve on its own, preserving my projects. Undoubtedly, Ubuntu has evolved significantly over these 20 years, maintaining its distinctive purple-orange aesthetics while providing an intuitive user interface


Ubuntu, the best Linux distro

In terms of desktop environments, the Ubuntu distribution switched from its specific Unity desktop environment to GNOME after Ubuntu version 17.10. However, this can be changed by installing a different desktop environment using simple commands in the terminal. If you’d prefer to use another desktop environment, consider Ubuntu derivatives – Linux distributions based on Ubuntu. Some examples include Linux Mint, elementaryOS, Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Xubuntu, Ubuntu MATE, Ubuntu Studio, and Ubuntu Budgie. You can explore the Top 50 Linux distributions for 2024 here.

Ubuntu Linux is also a derivative itself. It is based on the Debian distribution and prioritizes ease of use, freedom from restrictions, regular release cycles, and straightforward installation. Ubuntu can be used in more than 55 languages. Its primary license is the GNU GPL - General Public License, but it also utilizes other licenses. The Ubuntu kernel, the core of the operating system; is monolithic, meaning the entire OS runs within the kernel space.

What further contributes to Ubuntu’s popularity among Linux users is its package manager, dpkg (APT), which it inherited from Debian. Many other distributions also use dpkg. However, it’s essential to note that Debian and Ubuntu dpkg packages are not always directly compatible with each other. Sometimes, *.deb packages created by Debian need to be rebuilt to work correctly in Ubuntu. For comparison, the Arch Linux distribution uses the renowned pacman package manager, which is quite different and is primarily used in Arch-based Linux distributions. Ubuntu also employs other tools like GNOME Software, Snap, Snap Store, and Ubuntu Software, making application installation easier, especially for Linux beginners.

Installing Ubuntu: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners