In the previous lesson, we created our first C# 12 program. We learned how to print text to the Terminal panel and explored the three types of comments used in the C# programming language. Additionally, we discovered how to set attributes in the *.csproj file, which affects the entire project. We also delved into creating regions, which allow us to organize code into blocks and navigate through it easily, regardless of the number of lines of code.
Furthermore, despite the convenience of C# 12’s top-level statements, we can still create programs with the traditional Main method that you might recognize from older versions of the C# programming language. However, everything we’ve learned so far would only suffice for printing text on consoles. Programming encompasses much more than that! Let’s first focus on what programming is and what it involves.
Programming is the process of creating computer
programs, where programmers use a specific language and tools to communicate
with the computer. Programming is the art of writing code that enables
computers to perform specific tasks and Programmers use various languages (such
as C#, Python, Java, etc.) to write instructions for the computer. In any case,
programming requires creativity and problem-solving skills. It goes beyond mere
code writing. It involves creating solutions, thinking about problems, and
communicating with computers to achieve desired functionality.
Programmers often need to devise innovative ways to tackle challenges. But how do computers actually function? Programming involves giving instructions to the computer in the form of one or more grouped lines of code, known as statements. These statements are grouped into methods, and methods into classes, to avoid code repetition in a project and enable calling previously written and tested code from other parts of the project.
The code you write must have a purpose and be written
with a significant reason. It should also be correct and optimized. Your
computer will always execute exactly what you've instructed, regardless of
whether it's logical. Logic and proper code writing are up to you. Learning
programming usually begins with console applications. Although console
applications aren’t used for creating market-ready
programs due to their purely textual user interface, they are excellent for testing methods and classes.
Understanding Declarations, Variables, Data Types, and the Role of Constants
Every program typically starts with declaring and assigning variable values, which requires knowledge of data types—specifically, the data types in the C# programming language. Variables are fundamental elements of any program, allowing programs to process data by storing and modifying it during program execution. In C#, variables are declared by specifying their name and data type.
The variable name can contain letters, numbers, and underscores, but it cannot start with a number, special characters or contain spaces. Also, you cannot name your variable the same as a C# keyword. It’s essential to give descriptive names to variables so that their purpose in the program is easily understood. For example, declaring an int variable representing a numeric value in C# looks like this:
int number = 43;
This declaration creates an int variable named number and assigns it the value 43. The variable number can now be used in the program to perform various operations with numbers. However, when you see this variable, you don't know what its value 43 represents in this case. That's why, for example, it's better to name the variable like this:
int dictionaryGerman = 43;
In this way, we assume that the variable contains a value that means that the bookstore has 43 dictionaries. That is much clearer. Note that C# is a case-sensitive programming language, which means that variable names with different capitalization are considered distinct. Always use camel case for variable names. But what are constants? In computer programming, a constant is a value that cannot be altered by the program during normal execution.Once associated with an identifier, a constant remains fixed, and its value does not change. Constants are used for quantities that remain the same across different aspects of computation. They can be stored at specified memory locations in the computer. Unlike variables, which can vary, constants maintain their value throughout the program’s execution. In C# programming, constants are defined using the const keyword. Constants play a crucial role in ensuring stability and predictability in programs.
const decimal fee = 13,47 // monthly account
maintenance fee
Understanding Data Types in C#: A Comprehensive Overview
Data types are categories used to describe the kinds of data used in computing, programming, and other fields. A data type specifies the type of value that can be stored in a variable or object, as well as the possible operations that can be performed on that value. In the C# programming language, there are two fundamental types: vale types and reference types. Unlike some other languages, C# does not use pointers but rather reference types.
This distinction is important, especially if you’re familiar with programming languages like C or C++. C# is also strict in variable declaration, which means it is strongly typed. In C#, each variable must have an explicitly defined data type, and during program compilation, this type is rigorously checked. Additionally, variables need to be initialized; otherwise, an error will be reported during coding in the IDE - Integrated Development Environment. Let’s explore the data types available in the C# 12 programming language.
These types can be used to define variables and method
parameters in the C# 12 programming language. Additionally, there’s the
possibility of defining custom data types using classes or structures. This
way, you can easily create your own data types for your projects. To explore
the limitations of a specific data type and how to represent it, take a look at
the following illustrative program. So, create a new program, name it
“datatypes” and type the following code:
/// <summary>
using static System.Console;
WriteLine(new string('-', 100));
WriteLine("\t\tDATA TYPES IN C#
WriteLine(new string('-', 100));
WriteLine("VALUE TYPES");
WriteLine(new string('-', 100));
// This bool type of
variable can be true or false
bool boolVariable = true;
WriteLine("bool or System.Boolean
... {0}, {1}", boolVariable, !boolVariable);
// This byte type of
variable has a range from 0 to 255
byte byteVariable = 0;
WriteLine("byte or System.Byte
... {0}, {1}", byteVariable, byteVariable = 255);
// This sbyte type of
variable has a range from -128 to 127
sbyte sbyteVariable = 0;
WriteLine("sbyte or
System.SByte ... {0}, {1}", sbyteVariable, sbyteVariable = 127);
// This char type of
variable has only a character
char charVariable = 'A';
WriteLine("char or System.Char
... {0}", charVariable);
decimal decimalVariable = decimal.MinValue;
WriteLine("decimal or
System.Decimal ... {0},\n\t\t\t\t {1}\n", decimalVariable, decimalVariable = decimal.MaxValue);
double doubleVariable = double.MinValue;
or System.Double ... {0},\n\t\t\t
{1}\n", doubleVariable, doubleVariable = double.MaxValue);
float floatVariable = float.MinValue;
WriteLine("float or
System.Single ... {0},\n {1}\n", floatVariable, floatVariable = float.MaxValue);
int intVariable = int.MinValue;
WriteLine("int or System.Int32
... {0}, {1}\n", intVariable, intVariable = int.MaxValue);
uint uintVariable = uint.MinValue;
WriteLine("uint or
System.UInt32 ... {0}, {1}\n", uintVariable, uintVariable = uint.MaxValue);
long longVariable = long.MinValue;
WriteLine("long or
System.Int64 ... {0}, {1}\n", longVariable, longVariable = long.MaxValue);
ulong ulongVariable = ulong.MinValue;
WriteLine("ulong or
System.UInt64 ... {0}, {1}\n", ulongVariable, ulongVariable = ulong.MaxValue);
short shortVariable = short.MinValue;
WriteLine("short or
System.Int16 ... {0}, {1}\n", shortVariable, shortVariable = short.MaxValue);
ushort ushortVariable = ushort.MinValue;
WriteLine("ushort or
System.UInt16 ... {0}, {1}\n", ushortVariable, ushortVariable = ushort.MaxValue);
WriteLine(new string('-', 100));
WriteLine(new string('-', 100));
string stringVariable = "A string can have 2GB
or about maximum 1,073,741,823 characters.";
WriteLine("string or
System.String ... {0}\n", stringVariable);
object objectVariable = "An object can have
any type of variable.";
WriteLine("object or
System.Object ... {0}\n", objectVariable);
WriteLine(new string('-', 100));
WriteLine(new string('-', 100));
WriteLine("class ...
User-defined data types.");
WriteLine("interface ...
Specification that classes can implement.");
WriteLine("array ... Sequence
of values of a data type.");
WriteLine("delegate ...
Reference to a method.\n");
WriteLine("In addition to
these, there are also complex types such as");
enumerations, dynamic, tuples, Half, etc.\n");
WriteLine(new string('-', 100));
WriteLine(new string('-', 100));
WriteLine("Const is not data
WriteLine("You cannot change
the constant value after initialization.");
// a const
const decimal PI = 3.14159265359M;
WriteLine("Constant PI = {0}
always. ", PI);
When you complete the above program, you will get the following result:
bool or System.Boolean ... True, False
byte or System.Byte
... 0, 255
sbyte or System.SByte
... 0, 127
char or System.Char
... A
decimal or
System.Decimal ... -79228162514264337593543950335,
double or
System.Double ... -1.7976931348623157E+308,
float or System.Single ... -3.4028235E+38, 3.4028235E+38
int or System.Int32 ... -2147483648, 2147483647
uint or System.UInt32 ... 0, 4294967295
long or System.Int64 ... -9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807
ulong or System.UInt64 ... 0, 18446744073709551615
short or System.Int16 ... -32768, 32767
ushort or System.UInt16 ... 0, 65535
string or System.String ... A string can have 2GB or about maximum 1,073,741,823 characters.
object or
System.Object ... An object can have any type of variable.
class ... User-defined data types.
interface ...
Specification that classes can implement.
array ... Sequence of
values of a data type.
delegate ... Reference
to a method.
In addition to these, there are also complex types such as
enumerations, dynamic, tuples, Half, etc.
Const is not data type!
You cannot change the
constant value after initialization.
Constant PI =
3.14159265359 always.
You can see how the entire program was created and coded in the following
video, too.
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